Lifecycle Management
Partner for Responsible Lifecycle Management
Rolling stock is a large investment, which is why we believe that smooth and professional lifecycle management is one of the most important tasks of a maintenance operator. We not only aim to maintain rolling stock in good operating condition, but also to actively develop its functionality and seek innovative and sustainable solutions as the rolling stock ages.
Independent of Type of Rolling Stock
VR FleetCare maintains a fleet of over 12,000 units, including more than 100 vehicle types. Furthermore, different parts of the rolling stock are in different lifecycle phases. This is why we work daily to ensure that the rolling stock remains in our customers’ use for as long as possible. This is why we are able to apply our skills to many different types of rolling stock when it comes to planning lifecycle management.

Predictive Maintenance
We offer our customers lifecycle assessments and continuous development. Our work is based on the Lean and RCM methods, utilising either historical or continuous data concerning the rolling stock.
By utilising the latest technology and digital condition monitoring, we are able to predict future maintenance needs and improve the reliability and usability of rolling stock. Predictability also helps us to plan controlled rolling stock upgrades as well as to identify substitution solutions together with our customer, if necessary.
Our Lifecycle Management services include:
- Maintenance planning overviews (based on historical data)
- Maintenance program development (based on continuous data)
- Documentation management