Consulting and Analytics Services
We Encounter Different Rolling Stock Challenges Daily
Whether the issue is a technical malfunction, or a more comprehensive challenge related to lifecycle, our experts and mechanics are glad to help in troubleshooting. With rolling stock in heavy use, challenges related to use or maintenance are a daily occurrence.
VR FleetCare has a variety of tools to help its customers develop their own operations. These include technical support of data analytics and a variety of services related to auditing, measuring and testing as well as training.

Best Solutions for Developing Operations
In addition to helping our customers with all rolling stock-related malfunctions, we are also glad to help to define and identify the best solutions for the future.
Our experts have solid experience and comprehensive knowledge of a variety of rolling stock types. For us, the most important thing is to find the best solution for our customer, whether it comes to daily maintenance, fault repair or lifecycle extension.
Our Consulting and Analytics Services include:
- Technical and functional specifications on fleet and system levels
- Data analytics with technical support
- Auditing (e.g., technology, quality, and safety)
- Measuring and testing services
- Lean and RMC workshops and facilitation
- Training of personnel