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VR FleetCaren asentajat vastaanottamassa varikolle kunnossapitoon saapuvaa junaa


Enabling modern rail traffic


A Preferred Partner for Nordic Conditions

At VR FleetCare, we offer efficient maintenance and responsible lifecycle management of rail vehicles. We have experience with more than 100 types of rolling stock, and our services, from daily maintenance to comprehensive fleet modernisation, meet even the most demanding needs.

We use the latest technology in maintenance and are constantly looking for new solutions to use data and analytics to optimise fleet lifecycles and maintenance programmes.

Tracks transport people and goods around the world - in all conditions. We help our customers to create safe rail transport by nurturing the expertise that experience brings us, while constantly evolving. Our customers' needs, cost-effective and high-quality lifecycle management solutions and foresight using technology are at the core of what we do.


The industry's best expertise in rolling stock at your disposal, from daily maintenance to the most demanding rolling stock and component projects.