Getting There Together for a Better World
At VR Group and VR FleetCare, we take everyone towards a good future that keeps getting better. We want to be a pioneer of responsible business and set an example, as a company, to others. We are doing our best to help our customers and society as a whole to achieve their sustainable development goals.
Responsibility is a key part of our company’s strategy and a uniting theme of our business operations and growth areas. We will continue our responsible journey as a successful Finnish company that is nearly 160 years old. We believe that our success will also benefit society as a whole.
Responsibility Is a Way of Thinking
Rail transport has an essential role in curbing climate change and increasing well-being in society. This is about smooth everyday transport, supporting the competitiveness of industry and reducing emissions from traffic.
To us, responsibility means not only operating in an environmentally sustainable way but also working over the long term to improve traffic and occupational safety and ensure a good employee experience. We take the financial, social and environmental impacts of our operations into account in our decision-making.
Solar power plant
Solar power is an emission-free source of energy. At our Helsinki depot, on the roof of the Pendolino hall, we have our own 928 kWp solar power plant. By using the energy produced by the solar power plant, trains can be maintained in a more environmentally friendly manner. The electricity generated by the power plant covers up to 25% of the hall's annual energy need. The solar power plant is one of the flagship projects of our responsibility program. Increasing renewable energy is also in line with Finland's energy and climate goals.